Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I've Got Nothin' Today

I have a lot on my mind but I am not willing to spill it. I am just not in the mood to describe things and explain stuff. So, yeah, nothing today. Sorry. (I know you are incredibly upset my friends)

P.S. I have a horrible potty mouth. I cuss waaay too much. "shit" has been incredibly over used as of late.

P.P.S. I have severly cut back my smoking* (as I have briefly mentioned before). I only smoke when I drink or maybe after a bowl. However, I find myself wanting to drink more just so I can justify smoking cigarettes**. The good thing is that I find myself smoking less when I drink. Instead of smoking a pack, I may smoke like 8 cigarettes. My cravings (when sober) are not as bad as I thought they would be which is great; it makes this cutting back thing much easier.

*you wonder maybe why i don't just give it all up instead of "cutting back"? well, quitting is too much pressure and then there's all that guilt associated with cheating and lying. it's the same reason i will never go on a "diet" per say.

**i have not been drinking more even though i have been wanting to for the sake of stupid cigarettes.


At Thu Jun 23, 10:22:00 PM , Blogger j. said...

i was having on off day, so it called for an off post. i like p.s.'s what can i say? you have FLDS friends? what a coincidence! hehe.


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