Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What Happens When...

You eat a bowl of banana peppers right before bed?

You dream about Kevin Bacon and his wife Keira Sedgewick getting kicked out of a bar before they even order a drink. You later find out that they were there for their cousin (not in real life), Courtney Cox's birthday party. You are at this bar but are not upset because you aren't really a fan of Kevin Bacon anyway.

Your car just had $900 worth of work on it last week?

You return home from running errands and your key will not come out of the ignition, it will also NOT start you engine. You turn the radio off so it doesn't run down the battery. You also leave the keys in the ignition in an unlocked car because the closest copy of your key is an hour away at your ex-boyfriend's house. I am actually begging for someone to steal this car clear out of the driveway, that is if they can even get it to start.

Your best friend's birthday is in 3 days?

Start panicing because you are down to half a tank of gas, you're car doesn't start, you just spent $50 on books for school (taking the total for money spent on school supplies to...$650) and you have $25 left to your name. Present? It'll be 2 weeks late. (hi, laura, i love you, call me)

You have a charcoal still life due tomorrow and you haven't even started yet?

Procrastinate until you only have like 2 hours to do it. You could have started it a week ago when it was assigned but that's just not your style. heh


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