Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Happenings of the Day

In LA today, about 2 million customers of one of the two major power companies were without electricity. Workers cut a group of wires that caused the power to trip instead of cutting the wires individually. I bet they'll highlight this technique in the training manual from now on.

I went to school. My professor gave me a back-handed compliment...
preface- We had a homework assignment to do and we all did a crappy job, basically because he didn't instruct us on how we should do it correctly. So, he gave us another opportunity to rework our drawings.
story- We turned them in and he called me up to his desk. After reveiwing my reworked pictures with me he said "these are great." (awesome for me!) Then he said, "did you do these?" And he didn't say it in the way of "*wow* you did these!?!?", he was seriously asking me if someone else did them for me. I said "are you kidding me?" He then said, "okay" and dismissed me back to my easel. What a fucker. I just basically told him that just because I suck at still lifes in class doesn't mean I can't draw. Give me an A bitch and don't be a condisending prick. Thanks. (Of course I didn't say those last two things but you get the picture.)

And saving the best news for last..........

THE FALCONS BEAT THE EAGLES! 14-10! First game of the season and they beat the NFC champs. It was Vicks first Monday Night Football appearance. He scored the first touchdown for the Falcons this season in the first quarter (the other TD was in the 1st also). The second TD went like this- Vick hurled it 50+ feet, Michael Jenkins caught it. Next play, TJ took it over the EZ. T.O. can suck it.

man, i hope i don't jinx it.

p.s. Laura, i love the shirt (left you a mssg).
I.L.C.- next wednesday.

EDIT- oops, sorry, i originally had in here that the final score of the game was 14-0, wishful typing i guess. i forgot the "1" in front of the zero, guess i didn't catch it when i re-read the post.


At Tue Sep 13, 01:54:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

teehee, how sad is it that your blog reminder made me feel so special! :)
Wednesday will be fun.


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