Monday, August 15, 2005

Weeeeee, It's Me


I am on a laptop that my mom brought home from school. The downside to that is that I am not able to download any pictures. But impatience is a flower my friend...I will be purchasing my very own computer (suggestions anyone?)very soon so pictures will be posted soon. My school semester starts next Monday and I have an online class so this means I need a computer ASAP.

I have to thank Laura for filling in for a minute. I love the title "Porn and Circumstance". I wish my titles had some ounce of creativity to them but I am not savvy with words. I love you Laura. And speaking of friends, I have another friend that reads my blog. Her name is Laura too but that's not the name she goes by. She lives right around the corner and we never hang out anymore but I still love her. Hi Dingle!

What have I been doing since I have been back from Colorado? Working, working and working some more in a restaurant that has broken air conditioning. So, as I take orders, I have sweat beading down my face and sweat pooling down my back. Jeans sticking to my legs like skin tight leather pants. And we are all panting like we have been running a marathon with no water. Georgia heat and humidity suck but it sucks even worse with little to no A/C. I have endured no A/C before on numerous occasions but not while serving hot food from a even hotter kitchen while sporting a 65% polyester button down shirt. I really feel sorry for the grill guy and the dishwashers.

My "big news" isn't all that *big*. But thank you Laura for the teaser. I went on a date. It was lame and like going out with an eighteen year old. I will make a full post on it later.

I do have to go now so I can eat and get out of my pajamas. It is 2 pm after all. I need to enjoy this time inside of my house because I have to go to the inferno later and lose another 5 lbs of water weight.

Oh and one more thing: I bought the Muppets, Season One. It is hilarious and amusing and all that good stuff. It was $33 for 4 discs, over 10 hours of Muppets. But real quick, my point is, they have the pilot episode on there and it's called "Sex and Violence". It is freaking hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. You should watch it. Bork, bork, bork.


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