Monday, November 21, 2005

thanksgiving break

i work one day this week (friday) and today was the only day i went to school since i have wednesday off for thanksgiving. ahh, let's see what i'll be doing just in case you were on the edge of your seat waiting for my holiday plans...

-write a self-analysis/critque paper
-start and finish typography project
-start on final project for 2D
-set out plans and sketches for final project in Drawing
-write extra credit paper on the Wyeth exhibit i saw
-purchase mat cutting supplies
-work on Drawing sketchbook and finish


this thanksgiving, i am thankful for thanksgiving break (created for severe procrastinators)

actually, in defense of myself, i was three weeks behind on one project b/c i was so overwhelmed by it and cried over it and started over like 4 times, which means i would invest like 3 hours into the project and then just toss it and start over (4 times!), anyway, that put me behind on some other stuff that i am only now catching up on. BUT i turned in that project today and i got an A. so at least it's over and i will no longer wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats over this project. i will post a picture of it soon.

and there you have it! have a wonderful holiday week.


At Tue Nov 22, 08:18:00 PM , Blogger ramblin' girl said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Try not to work too hard.


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