Thursday, November 24, 2005

show and tell time

today was a good day.

the falcons won. detroit played shitty, they weren't much competition, but the win is all that matters.

took a cooking break with my mom and we decided to cut down a tree in the back. we initially were going to take down 3 but the first bastard was so stubborn in coming down, we decided to stop after that. a chainsaw woulda been nice but we didn't have a long enough extension cord. that tree was skinny but man, i'm telling you, it wouldn't budge. FINALLY we were victorious. kind of. we get the sucker cut and it just rests up against another tree and just sits there! even cut in half! i was kicking it and pulling on the limbs. my mom finally brought it down. she felt like rocky.

i need to clean my room before the night is over, i'm living in a pig sty people.

we are going so fast, we are blurry!

not sure why this one made the cut.

see? the damn thing is cut in half but still standing!

here she is hauling a big limb away from the mess.


yay! (we are stupid)

we have a ham, whole turkey and four sides, for three people. deicided not to bake the rolls, make the salad, or eat the apple pie.

notice the fritos bag on the bed? i didn't eat those today. i think it was yesterday. they must have hung on tight while i slept last night.

freakin disaster.


At Fri Nov 25, 09:49:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

It looked as if you had loads of fun yesterday with the trees! Maybe you could LIMBer up for the next one and do some AXErcises. Sorry bad joke, must try harder next time ;-)

At Sun Nov 27, 12:43:00 PM , Blogger ramblin' girl said...

Sounds like you had a good and victoriuos Turkey Day!

At Fri Dec 02, 03:49:00 PM , Blogger NOLAPete said...

Happy belated Turkey Day. Tried to send you an email, but I'm not sure if it went through. Looks like you and your mom had a great day.


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