Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I love school.

This is how I stand in my drawing class, I have a high B. He rarely passes out A's. I will still strive for an A but am extremely estatic that I have a B+. I was a bit surprised. He said I should be straight for the rest of the semester as long as I just keep up the good work. I am scared I'll drop to a C because I just jinxed myself.

In class today I participated in my first critique. It was fine. I was really nervous and kind of shaking. My still life was good though so I was pretty confident. The only bad thing was that my professor and others said the fabric background fabric looked fake. I completely agreed. It was fake, I imagined it in my head. He let me bring it home to work on. The funny thing was the part that I dreaded the most (the fabric on the table) turned out really well. The class really liked mine and really only said good things. They even kept refering back to mine to site examples of good work. I'd say it was the third best in the class. I was kind of surprised how crappy some of them looked. But, like I said before, that's probably because I spent more time on mine.

I have an A in my 2D class. If I maintain perfect attendence until last class then I will be upped a letter grade. I should get an A in this class no matter what...I hope.

Remember that online math class? Yeah, me either*. I dropped that baby at the end of August. I will most likely take it as my only course during summer semester. All of my mom's math teacher friend's from school will be out of school for the summer and they are determined to get me through math. We will be by the pool, sunning and studying. I'm glad I have a math team behind me because it's going to take just that.

And one last thing, I officially no longer hate my drawing teacher. He is not a prick. I like him a lot actually.

*and real quick...
is it "me either" or "me neither". grammatically i think it's the first but verbally i use the latter.


At Thu Oct 13, 07:03:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey thanks for viewing and leaving a message on my blog!
I used to say "me either" all the time but recently I have started to use "me neither". I think maybe "neither" is the more posh way of saying it - I'm not saying that I am posh, it's just the way that posh people would say it. Ok I'm rambling now, geesh. LOL. cya.
Oh and I'll stop by your blog from now on.


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